Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Yell, Unheard.

Reaching out in the dark; to find nothing but continued darkness. I'm tired of being the post on which other peoples worries and fears are propped up; I can only cheer up just so many people, till all my cheer is gone. 'I wish I was special, You're so fucking special; But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here.' - Feel free to poke fun, I've long since become used to such; apathy takes over; for the win.

Monday, February 22, 2010

...Time Goes By... and Ramble; Do I...

The clock ticks as things remain the same, I cannot seem to alter my station in life. Were I to find one; a Yin to my Yang... Make me believe things are worthwhile once again, I wouldn't tend to be down quite so much. I do not, historically; have a big ego...

That said, I am worth the time; I am good.

I spend my time with folks that are, for the most part; enveloped in their own lives, and call on me as Mr. Fix-it. I have un-intentionally gotten myself in a catch 22 deal. I don't want to be called on only for my ability to help out in a variety of technical situations; nor to be 'left out' of same because I've expressed feeling used, from time to time.

At the end of the day I'm left with longings for a mere companion; as opposed to life-mate, if only to quell the loneliness just enough. I do have and feel self worth, perhaps not enough, though; to make any real difference...

Peace and Love,
Richard H. Smith Jr.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I've not posted to this blog in a long, long time; send me messages and give me a reason to write!..

Peace and Such..

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Meandering From My Addled Mind

There is NO God, Believe in Yourself!

Richard H. Smith Jr.
Utica, New York - USA

100 Song Jukebox - Volume One

Subscribe to this RSS Feed  Pretty Slate Blue...

100 Song Jukebox - Volume Two

Subscribe to this RSS Feed  Pretty Slate Blue...

Thursday, March 09, 2006


It's been forever since I've written on this freakin' thing... Sometimes I'm not quite sure why I bother doing this at all... I've recently re-designed this blog; it was black. I like the way it looks now a lot better than before.

I'm in an OK mood, last night I got to talk (LD call) to someone very special to me.
I hope that person feels my love, even so far far away.

I miss you more than you know!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

...What is Mainstream? (Rant)

Originally Posted at: This Week in Tech

Overall popularity is the deciding factor as to whether or not something has achieved 'Mainstream' status.

Everyone (conjecture) knows at least 3 or 4 comic book Hero's or Villains. Whether they be a fan or not, that's as close to mainstream as you need; not just a niche market. Tons of people love to watch American Idol or Survivor; etc.., I'd dare say they are certainly considered Mainstream, but you couldn't pay me to watch either. I know how easy it is to fall into the (Ego) trap of thinking that the things that you're into are; what's hot, what's now, and what everyone else is into. Simple Psychology tells us that type of delusion can be quite dangerous (Can you say Bush?). To simply nay say something for having less visibility in your dome of 'reality' is shortsighted. Comics shall be around long after reality TV.
The 'True Believers' will indeed Reign.

Ps... to add a wee point to my rant, I am merely a passing fan of comics... However, I won't trivialize their space in our culture.

I've said my Piece\Peace

Pss... The thoughts contained within this odd meandering are applicable to many varied area's of life..

Think about it!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy Freakin' New Year!

Well, It's finally gone and happened.. 2006 Showed up on time, was anyone expecting anything other than this outcome. I wonder from time to time why we even have holidays; this is what I've surmised. People have the need for excuses in their busy lives, to be close to co-workers and family. Why I ask has this come to be commonplace. I decided long ago, never to walk in anyones shadow... wait... Ewww... that's a Whitney Houston song... I feel dirty. Well... at least she can't take the writing credit on that one... I digress. Make damn sure the people that you have love for in this world; know it! I know the mere mention of that word for some (mostly guys) is difficult to utter, in my studied opinion being embarrassed matters little to the weight lifted when you express yourself to someone special. Why wait for a holiday;..

Love is not a dirty word; while regret can be haunting.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Discover Music - Pandora

Can you help me discover more music that I'll like? - Pandora

Friday, December 09, 2005

Firefox Support Page

I made this page for the pure hell of it, and for an excuse to make some graphics to waste some time. With the exception of this blog, I write all my own HTML by hand; I generally don't care for HTML editors.

rhsjr7 (duh)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

What to say...

This might end up to be quite interesting, I'll post all sorts of random thoughts and depressing issue of the day/week and whatnot...