Monday, February 22, 2010

...Time Goes By... and Ramble; Do I...

The clock ticks as things remain the same, I cannot seem to alter my station in life. Were I to find one; a Yin to my Yang... Make me believe things are worthwhile once again, I wouldn't tend to be down quite so much. I do not, historically; have a big ego...

That said, I am worth the time; I am good.

I spend my time with folks that are, for the most part; enveloped in their own lives, and call on me as Mr. Fix-it. I have un-intentionally gotten myself in a catch 22 deal. I don't want to be called on only for my ability to help out in a variety of technical situations; nor to be 'left out' of same because I've expressed feeling used, from time to time.

At the end of the day I'm left with longings for a mere companion; as opposed to life-mate, if only to quell the loneliness just enough. I do have and feel self worth, perhaps not enough, though; to make any real difference...

Peace and Love,
Richard H. Smith Jr.